Stories from R-Co / Friday 30 June
Thinking creative
The secrets to building a great B2B brand was the question.
This week our Founder and CEO, Richard, was honoured to join Mo Hamdouna of Mo Works on a webinar about brand. There are many factors that go into building a great brand…
Emotional loyalty is the most meaningful connector for today’s business and consumers.
Mo asked “What makes a B2B brand successful?”. At the heart of brand building for B2B and B2C are people and solving pain points. It all starts with the reasons “why?”
He then asked:
“What are the essential elements of a successful brand?”
1 / Purpose
2 / Uniqueness
3 / Values
4 / Authenticity
5 / Relevance
6 / Story
7 / Content
8 / Clarity
9 / Testimonials
10 / Alignment
Mo finished the webinar with this critical question:
“When is the right time to rebrand?”
1 / Merger and acquisition
2 / Changing markets
3 / Repositioning for relevance
4 / Changes to brand portfolio
5 / Global uplift
6 / Integrated brand strategy
7 / Reputation damage
8 / New CEO
9 / Conflict with shareholders
10 / Outdated design
Branding is about determining who you are and how to transition to “Next”- and in doing so, win the hearts and minds of todays consumers.
Is your brand emotionally connecting with your audience? If not, we’re the experts – say hello and we’d be happy to help you achieve your new business objectives.