Stories from R-Co / Wednesday 19 July

Tales from the boardroom

So what makes a brand desirable?

“I think its a mix of elements.”

I think the core and most important is the product.

But it’s not enough.

Then it’s about the brand’s spirit, values, the image they’re associated with, the clarity of the image. the consistency.

“I think all this builds the desirability.”

Frederic Arnault TAG Heuer CEO on his bold ambition to reach a billion in sales.

Humanity’s greatest desire is to belong and connect. How we see and hear each other. We share what we love and it reminds us of what we all have in common.

It is this spirit of lively connectivity that is at the heart of the Queen Victoria Market identity. Created in 2015, the design remains very relevant as the market evolves into the future that is planned for it. The black form of the actual QVM footprint is activated by the intersecting colours representing journeys to and through, amidst the spirit of abundance and people.

Check out the QVM website to see the brand in action.

If you are looking to capture your brand’s spirit and express your values with an identity that is distinctive and relevant, please get in touch. We’d love to support you.