Stories from R-Co / Friday 21 July

Inspiring Melbourne

Bringing your future into view with design.

We know that the future never arrives, but it can be thought of as a doorway to discovering something new.

Tom Waits, the legendary blues artist croons “Climb through the button hole and up the stairs.”

This can be an analogy for the business of design: a commitment to a purpose; finding the strategic gap; the pathway of thinking and creative; the collaborative unfolding journey and final realisation of the story, with the design of an identity that did not exist before. To bring the future into view.

Then the brand communication to audiences, and the emotional experiences of transformation from where you are to where you want to be.

To define distinction and build reputation.

To inspire and grow.

Melbourne Gateway was a remarkable place making project that combines creativity, environmental design, technology, retail theatre and social media into an immersive brand experience. The unfolding future of Melbourne is expressed through the exhibition’s digital display and interactive engagement. The identity conveys this interactive connectivity because it’s visual wit attracts the eye and engages the mind.

“Climb through the button hole and up the stairs.”

If you want to use intelligent design to inspire your audiences and grow your reputation across all customer touch points, say hello.